Inserting a sparkline using the new Insert > Sparklines feature in Excel 2010+ is much easier.Įxcel 2010+ provides 3 types of sparklines: Line, Column, and Win/Loss. But that takes a lot of time and can be tricky to get the graphs just the way you want them. If you want to, you can make a sparkline with Insert > Chart and take the time to shrink the new chart, re-size the axes, and get rid of all labels. Sparklines are different from other Excel charts because they are smaller, don't have labels, and show only one line of data. Edward Tufte defines sparklines in his book, Beautiful Evidence: ' Sparklines are data-intense, design-simple, word-sized graphics.' Sparklines are small, simple charts that are easy to make, easy to understand, and small enough to fit in a single cell alongside your data.
Now let's consider the feature in Excel known as Sparklines. Would you rather wade through a table of data or look at charts? You'll probably say charts, maybe because they help you see data trends and interpret numbers more easily.